The two words my friends won’t relate me with-“ History” and “Date” for they know how good I’m at both ;-) But when it is “Date with History” I’m sure, I will be the first one they would think of. I can still recollect even the silliest of those moments,which happened in my life so far.Now don’t think I have a great memory power for only I know the nightmare I had clearing my history paper, remembering those good-for-nothing dates and years. But still, I date my history with those treasures I have treasured so long- diaries, which I have written for almost a decade now. And yeah..I’m still treasuring!
Diaries-One of the best companions for your life time,with characters etched in it which time can’t erase, pages of truth, hitherto unrevealed, chapters of unsaid love, blossomed friendship, hard decisions taken,resolutions scribed,days mourned by despair and those glorious moments worth savouring for generations…! It has it all..all evergreen and beautiful..My best friend for a life time ~ my diary!
It was during those days at school,when we blindly do whatever our class teachers tells us to do and it was one such act I started when I entered my class nine...Yeah class nine and those days,I hardly had any big things to write about and my habit of writing diary would have been dead,if not for that moment of failure.No surprise I failed my first History exam and I still know the pain with which I wrote my diary that night.It was a night of embarrasment,shame,tears and ofcourse a big decision…the decision I must say changed the rest of my life..I decided that my diary should not see any more failures and I started to work realy hard.I started to fear failures,which triggered hardwork and eventually success. As a school student,dairy writing taught me honesty(as u can’t lie in your diary),respecting privacy,discipline(as I sat at night regularly to write) and improved my memory (as I jog my memory to recall the events of the day)
After some serious schooling,college life gave the fresh air needed and I promise I can’t forget any moment spend there.Atleast my diary wouldn’t allow me to do that! Right from the first smile at college to the final cry during my farewell,every moment has been inscribed !!! ~ My train journeys,those birthdaybash,exams,tours,bunks,movies,friends intro,first love,canteen “kadalai’s”,culturals,symposiums and about that “someone” special whom we always have close to our heart!
I must say this habit was quite infectious,as some started to write hearing from me. But many stopped inbetween,as they found their privacy was at stake,as they feared if someone in their family may read it and who knows he\she may end in trouble.Now I must thank my family for being so nice as they respect my privacy,that I dare to keep my diary in my open shelf ! You know I’m very sure they havn’t read my diaries yet or else how will I be at home still ;-) Jus kidding!
Writing diary,which started as a class activity grew into a habit,then a friend and now it is my life…my life of memories! I have shared with it even the secrets I don’t dare to tell my bestest friend! It has seen the ups and downs of my life,shared the happiest and the saddest moments… I have this regret anyways…It changed me into an introvert in some ways…Those emotions which I wish I told my family and friends directly were just written ” Sorry machi”…”Love u da”…”Thanks sis”. But I’m loving it this way now! dairy has it black and white- all the ingredients for a 'masala' Bollywood blockbuster- stories,emotions,characters,love,masti,fights in it..But there is no audience still for my "Autograph":- ( But yeah…I hope to get that “someone” soon with whom I can share my past life –“someone” who can enjoy it reading with a smile,excitement and ofcourse some envy ;-) Is that “someone” listening ?? ;-)